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Warning all products here are not to be used by miners under 18 years old.
Ocean Products
Chinese Manufacturers in place. But; In a neutral position due to the United States Incompetent Diplmacy & State Policies.
Inflatable kayak

$399.oo $350.oo $270.oo
Diving Products
Warning this product is not to be used by miners under 18 years old. Minors with adult supervision may use this product.
This product does not require diver certification.
This product is not to be used in depth under and extending -20 ft for periods of time not exceeding 15 minutes.
Aluminum Mini One air scuba diving cylinders tanks, Mask and pump for sale
Aluminum Mini two air scuba diving cylinders tanks and pump for sale
Aluminum Mini One air scuba diving cylinders

Aluminum Mini One air scuba diving cylinders tanks, Mask and pump for sale


All with a 48V/5HP Electric Boat Engine

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