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Technical & Scientific
Consultation in
Technical & Scientific
Digital Asset Management
& Virtual Digital Holdings
Crypto ISO-Compliant Payment Systems
Prototype [ proh-tuh-tahyp ]

In our Research; We are Trying to make a Peaceful Union between the SWIFT vs
The Industry standard for NATO
in International Financial
Payment System
Our 1,000 BTC's Reseacrh
TS Properties
is on the Metaverse
Our Proficiency

T S Properties & Assets LTD.
Our Virtual Portfolio is a
variety of Ownership in NFT's,
Virtual Land and Virtual Space.
T&S Properties has Financially Acquired Unique URLs for website domain's content.
Blockchain Scientist
Crypto ISO-Compliant Payment Systems
Digital Asset Management
Web Intellectual Properties
Digital Virtual Asset Holdings
Spot Market - Forex Charts
Crypto Mining Consultant
Blockchain Data Storage
Crypto Assets & Cyber Security

TS Properties &
Assets Holdings LTD.
10+ BILLION in Digital Assets
Our 1,000 BTC's Reseacrh

We TRUST In - UP HOLD - Since March 2015
Ready to provide services in
{Art, Collectibles, Music, Films & Video, Plan & Designs} NFT PRODUCTIONS
with ETH and SOON-- XRP --NFT minting
As a Blockchain Global Enterprise offering our
Digital Asset Management
TS Properties is all about how to store organize and find, intellectual properties. Having it available & if one wishes to share content across multiple distribution channels - Print, Web, Social Media. And at the same time, protect content and ensure compliance with usage Rights- Licensing with the highest leave of security for Crypto ISO-Compliant Payment Systems -Currency Portfolios, etc.
Enter Bitcoins (BTC)
Enter 100
Enter USD ($)
Consultation Fees are at $100 Dollars Per Hour
With a 1 Hour minimum
You can NOW Pay in BTC or Debit Card

Book a time for
your Consultation

Crypto ISO-Compliant Payment Systems
Prototype [ proh-tuh-tahyp ]

One of our Consultation Curriculum is based on the past many years of knowledge working in the
Spot Market and Forex.
You can learn how
to read as well as fully
understand the Candle
Sticks charts etc.

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